Welcome! Dr. Coke is accepting new patients in Oregon and Washington state. Please call Dr. Coke's office to schedule your first appointment.
Established Washington state patients can schedule online for return office visits. Click on the button above to schedule your appointment.
*Oregon state patients please call Dr. Coke's office.
Please click on the secure link below to start your telemedicine visit.

Supplement Store:
Business Locations:
Oregon State:
Healthy Hub (Dr. Coke's business is located within the Healthy Hub):
3350 US 101 North, Unit D
Gearhart, OR 97138
Washington State:
17651 1st Ave S, Suite 101
Normandy Park, WA 98148
(Practice is located within Ascent Chiropractic)
Ph: 206.355.5397
Fx: 206.832.4652
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